CANS Membership Information
Membership in the Council for the Advancement of Nursing Science is an opportunity to be a part of one of the nation’s leading nursing science networks. Join over 600 nurse scientists to advance the CANS mission of Better Health Through Nursing Science. Fellowship in the American Academy of Nursing is not required for membership in CANS.
Membership Benefits
Current membership benefits include:
Membership Cycle
The annual membership cycle begins in January and ends in December. If you join or renew your membership after December 1st, the membership will be applied to the following year.
Individual Members
We invite membership from nurses and colleagues from other disciplines as well as international colleagues. Discounted membership is available to members of the Academy, Sigma Theta Tau International (Sigma), and any of the four regional nursing research societies (Eastern, Western, Midwest, and Southern). To qualify for discounted membership, you must show proof of membership to either the Academy, Sigma, ENRS, MNRS, SNRS or WIN on the CANS membership form.
- Individual (regular) – $125
- Individual (discounted) – $105
- Individual (student/Undergraduate, Masters, & Pre-Doctoral) – $50