Brilliant New Investigator Award
The purpose of the Brilliant New Investigator Award is to recognize the contributions of scientists early in their research careers who show extraordinary potential to develop sustained programs of research, certain to have significant impact on the science and the practice of nursing and healthcare. Nominees must be active CANS members in good standing for two consecutive years; within 7 years of completion of a research doctorate; and nominated by two current CANS members in good standing.
2020 Awardee
Teresa Brockie, PhD, MSN, RN, FAAN
Dr. Teresa Brockie is a member of the A’aniniiin Nation – Fort Belknap Reservation, Montana, and a 3rd-year tenure-track Assistant Professor at Johns Hopkins School of Nursing with a Joint Appointment as an Associate Scientist at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg Center for American Indian Health. She is one of 25 Native Americans in the US with a PhD in Nursing and one of six inducted to the American Academy of Nursing. Her research focuses on achieving health equity through community-based prevention and intervention of suicide, trauma, and adverse childhood experiences among vulnerable populations. She is a principal investigator or co-investigator on several projects including two R01s.