Council Membership Information 

Everyone interested in the mission of the Council for the Advancement of Nursing Science Better Health through Nursing Science are invited to renew their membership or become new members of the Council.
The Council was established in 2000 as the research policy and facilitation arm for the American Academy of Nursing (AAN). You can learn more about the goals, mission and vision of the council here. You can learn more about the Council’s history here
Fellowship in the American Academy of Nursing is not required for membership in the Council.

Membership Benefits 

Benefits continue to be added, but those currently included in your 2014-2016 membership dues include:
  • A subscription to Nursing Outlook, the American Academy of Nursing and Council’s official journal
  • Access to conference abstracts and posters
  • Reduced registration fee for the Council’s biennial conference
  • Ability to network with peers for national advocacy of nursing science
  • Opportunity to publish job postings at a discounted rate on the Council’s website
  • The right to serve in appointed capacities
  • Access to seed grants for research sponsored by the Council
  • Celebrate, nominate, or win CANS Awards 

Membership Types 


The membership cycle begins in January and ends in December.

Individual Members

We invite membership from nurses and colleagues from other disciplines, as well as international colleagues. Discounted membership is available to members of the AAN, Sigma Theta Tau International (STTI), any of the four regional nursing research societies (Eastern, Western, Midwest, and Southern), or the National Student Nurses Association (NSNA). 
Individual (regular) – $200/ 2 years
Individual (discounted*) – $160/ 2 years
Individual (student/Undergraduate, Masters, & Pre-Doctoral) – $40/year
Individual, NSNA Member (discounted*) – $36/year 
* To qualify for discounted membership, Council members must show proof of membership
   to either AAN, STTI, ENRS, MNRS, NSNA, SNRS or WIN on the Council membership form.

Institutional Members
We invite societies, universities, and not-for-profit organizations to join as Institutional Members. Membership benefits specific to institutional members include a free job posting in one issue of the CANS email newsletter (up to 200 words & logo), reduced fees for advertising and exhibit space at the State of the Science Congress (held in even numbered years). Please note that discounted conference registration rates apply only when individuals purchase an individual Council membership.
Institutional (regular) = $500/year

Existing Members
2015 Council (CANS) Dues Renewal Form