Purpose & Scope |
2006 National Congress on the State of the Science in Nursing Research
Nursing Research – Improving Life: Development and Dissemination of Nursing Innovation
• Create a national forum for communicating emerging innovations in nursing science related to nursing practice;
• Disseminate research findings that can influence practice, education, research and healthcare policy;
• Influence the nursing research agenda of the future.
Categories |
The Conference Planning Committee encourages you to submit abstracts that focus on one of the following nursing research themes:
• Clinical Trials and Emerging Interventions
• Emerging Methodologies including Community Action Research
• Translational Research from Bench to Bedside to Community
• Technological Innovations
• New Frontiers in Biological Mechanisms and Genetics
General Guidelines |
Only completed studies will be accepted for review and should include:
• The current State of the Science;
• Specific results;
• How the work contributes to advancing nursing knowledge.
Presentation Options |
For Peer Review & Selection:
1) Oral Podium Presentation: 20 minutes total. 15-minute presentation with 5-minute question/answer. One presenter per abstract.
2) Symposium Presentation: 90 minutes total. Minimum of 3 and maximum of 5 total abstracts of related research. 1 session organizer and 3-5 presenters.
3) Poster Session: Display board only. No use of AV. Informal oral presentations during designated session times.
Invited Presenters:
1) Invited Symposia
2) Invited Speakers
Notes: Submission choices: Oral Podium Only; Symposium Presentation; Poster Only; Podium or Poster
Submission Deadline |
To be considered for the program, you must prepare and submit abstracts according to the instructions by 12:00 midnight on Friday, March 24, 2006 (CST).
Text Formats and Requirements |
For Oral and Poster Abstracts:
• Cut and paste abstract into the following headings: Title, authors, objective, methods, results, conclusion, learning objective, key words.
• Use only text. Do not use italics, diagrams, boxes, borders or tables. Graphics are not permitted.
• Abstract text may not exceed 350 words excluding the title.
• All abstracts must be submitted in English.
• Multiple abstract submittals is allowed, however, space and time constraints may allow only one selected presentation per author/organizer.
• All communication will be sent to the first author/organizer via email. A valid email address is required for all submitters.
For Oral presentations and symposia
• Presenters must use computer and projector for PowerPoint. PowerPoint presentations will be required in advance of the congress and linked onto the presentation computers for a smooth transition between presenters.
Required forms for submittal (required for presenter only):
• Submission form
• Presenters Biographical Data Form
• Conflict of Interest; Consent and Waiver.
*Abstract submissions without these forms are incomplete and will not be considered.
Evaluation Criteria |
Abstracts will be evaluated on the following criteria:
• Relevance to one of more of the conference themes
• Strength of rationale
• Clarity of purpose and objectives
• Strength of data collection and analysis
• Relative importance of results
• Clarity of conclusions
Confirmation |
Notifications will be made by early June, 2006. CANS will not accept all abstracts for presentation (poster or oral). Acceptance of the abstract by the Committee obligates the author to present the paper. Final acceptance is conditional upon registration of presenters by the Early Registration Deadline. Abstracts may not be changed or withdrawn once accepted. If circumstances prevent attendance, the author must arrange for the paper to be given by a substitute.
Abstract Dissemination |
All abstracts accepted for podium and poster presentation will be re-printed for distribution in the conference briefing book and included in the Conference Proceedings CD-ROM. Authors should consider whether their sensitive and unpublished findings are appropriate for such presentation.
Presenter’s Responsibilities |
Presenters are responsible for all expenses related to participating in the conference, including transportation, registration fees, lodging and meals. Presenters are encouraged to furnish handouts to participants if desired.
Contact Us |
Technical Support: |
ScholarOne, Inc.
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 434.817.2040 ext. 406
For more information: |
Council for the Advancement of Nursing Science
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 414.287.0289