Council Membership Information for Students
All persons interested in the mission of the Council, Better Health through Nursing Science are invited to renew their membership or become new members of the Council for the Advancement of Nursing Science (the Council). The Council was established in 2000 as the research policy and facilitation arm for the American Academy of Nursing (AAN). The goals of the Council are to be a strong voice for nurse scientists at the national and international levels to support the development, conduct and utilization of nursing science, to share research findings among individuals and groups in scientific and lay communities, and to facilitate life-long learning opportunities for nurse scientists. Fellowship in the AAN is not required for membership in the Council.
Dues: Student (Undergraduate, Masters, and Pre-Doctoral (but NOT Post-Doctoral)) = $25/year
Membership Benefits: Benefits continue to be developed, but those currently established include:
- Opportunity to collaborate on the development of a national voice for nursing science
- E-Mail communications
- Access to Web notices
- Reduced fees at Council events
- Opportunities for participation in governance
TO JOIN or Renew – Complete the printable form and fax or mail to the address listed, or use our secure online form.