Job Postings/External Events & eBlast Advertising RatesThe Council for the Advancement of nursing science accepts job postings and external event announcements from both members and the public. All postings will be reviewed and approved by the Council prior to publication. They should be no more than 2 pages in length and include contact information and submission deadlines. Purchases should be completed using the form below (note there is a send check option). After receipt of purchase is received, the job posting will be posted online within 5 business days. Job postings should be submitted with reference to the order number in either Word or PDF format to Laura Smothers. Advertising PricesCouncil’s Web Page Rates:
Council’s E-mail News Blast:
Job Posting/External Event Order Form Specifications
Questions?Please call (202) 777-1166 or e-mail Laura Smothers. |