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2006 Nursing Research - Improving Life: Development and Dissemination of Nursing Innovation. October 12-14, 2006. Omni Shoreham Washington D.C. Logo for the National Congress on the State of the Science in Nursing Research

Registration Information

Register online or print the form from the website and FAX or mail, if necessary.

Fax (credit card only) – registration form to 414.276.3349.

Mail (check or credit card) your registration form and payment to:

Council for the Advancement of Nursing Science
ATTN: Congress Registration
555 East Wells Street, Suite 1100
Milwaukee, WI 53202-3823

You will receive a confirmation letter by e-mail. Faxed registrations without credit card information will be returned without processing.

Registration Fees

Advanced Registration Fees (ON OR BEFORE SEPTEMBER 27, 2006)
CANS Member $325
Non-Member $375

Student Fees
CANS Student $225
Non-Member Student $325

Advanced registration closes on Wednesday, September 27, 2006. If you are unable to register by this date, please plan to register on-site at the on-site registration fee. No advanced registrations will be processed after September 27.

On-Site Registration (REQUIRED AFTER SEPTEMBER 27, 2006)
CANS Member $425
Non-Member $475

One Day Fees
Thursday $225
Friday/Saturday $225

CEU Registration Fee = $30
Claiming contact hours for continuing nursing education through the University of Maryland School of Nursing Office of Professional Development and Continuing Education will require payment of a $30 fee.

Registration confirmations will be automated to online registrants before September 27, 2006.

Cancellation and refund requests must be received in writing by e-mail to [email protected] or calling 414.287.0289 by Thursday, September 28, 2006 and will be processed minus a $75.00 administrative fee. Cancellations received between September 29 – October 11 will be refunded minus a $150 administrative fee. No refunds will be granted if received after October 11, 2006, regardless of cause.

Please contact Aaron Miller, Council Director of Meetings and Membership, at [email protected] or 414.287.0289.