Council for the Advancement of Nursing Science (CANS)


AAN/CANS “Brilliant Future New Investigator” Award
Due Date July 1, 2006

The purpose of the AAN/CANS “Brilliant Future New Investigator” Award is to recognize the contributions of scientists early in their research careers who show extraordinary potential to develop sustained programs of research, certain to have significant impact on the science and practice of nursing and healthcare. Applicants must be Council members in good standing, be within 7 years following receipt of a doctorate and applyd by Council members in good standing (individual or institutional). Neither is required to be a fellow of the American Academy of Nursing.

Applicants must agree to attend and be acknowledged at the National Nursing Research Network Ceremony of the biennial (even years) State of the Science Congress in Nursing Research. The criteria for the award are:

  • Building research productivity (within last 5 years) in an area of major significance to nursing and healthcare knowledge.
  • Research dissemination and translation with growing impact on nursing and other discipline science.
  • Emerging leadership related to nursing science advancement.

Applications will be evaluated by representatives from the Council Steering Committee.. The winner will receive a memento and a $1,000 stipend.

Please complete the online application form below.

First Name:
Middle Name:
Last Name:
Daytime Address:
Daytime Phone:
Daytime Email:
Upload 100-word narrative summary statement about the applicant’s accomplishments/contributions:
(To be used in the Award Ceremony brochure if the applicant wins the award.)
Narrative File:
Upload applicant curriculum vitae:
Upload TWO statements from two current Council members (in good standing) (not more than 200 words each) that address the criteria described above.
Statement File:
Council Member Name:

Statement File:
Council Member Name:

Complete applications are due by July 1, 2006. Applicants will be notified by email by August 1, 2006.

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