About the Conference:

The 2014 State of the Science Congress on Nursing Research was hosted by the Council for the Advancement of Nursing Science (CANS) in Washington, DC. The conference theme was “Optimizing Health by Addressing Complexity.” CANS aims to promote better health through nursing science, and this event brought together nurse scientists, faculty members, pre- and postdoctoral students, as well as undergraduate and postgraduate nursing students1.

Conference Focus:

The conference focused on determinants of health and their implications for nursing science and health policy. Participants explored innovative strategies to optimize health across diverse populations and throughout the lifespan. The emerging science related to determinants of health was a central topic, challenging attendees to think boldly about strengthening their own work in this area2.

Key Objectives:

  1. Identify Innovative Strategies: Participants learned about cutting-edge approaches to enhance health outcomes, considering factors such as social determinants, lifestyle, and environmental influences.
  2. Apply Research Findings: Attendees discussed how research related to determinants of health could be practically applied to improve health in individuals and communities.
  3. Discuss Implications: The conference provided a platform to discuss the implications of emerging science for nursing research and health policy, emphasizing evidence-based decision-making1.

Conference Details: